


(ポイント2)「教わるべきもの」はwhat you ought to be taught
 (= what you ought to learn)などです。「一生賢くなれない」は「世の中を上手に渡っていけない」と考えると、you cannot get along well in the 
world.です。「十分身につける」=「十分消化する」=「十分理解する」と考えます。「一生を決める」=「君の将来を決める」=decide you future 

(解答例)①Unless you are taught what you ought to be taught in early life, you cannot hope to get on well in life. Whether or not you have 
learned fully what you ought to learn will, therefore, decide your future life in the run.
②If you haven't learned what you ought to learn in youth, you cannot 
get along well in the world. Whether or not you have digested fully 
what you were taught in youth will decide your future.


(ポイント1)構文は、「アジアという地域には~住んでおり」は「アジア世界は最も人口が多い地域で、世界の人口の半分以上を含んでいる」と考えると、Asia is the most densely populated area on earth (あるいはin the 
earth), with~という型になります。
(ポイント2)「今の割合で増えていくと」はat this rate (of increase), ~として続けるか、「もしこの状態が進めば」と考えて、if this state of things goes onなどとします。「二倍になるでしょう」はwill be doubled 
(= twofold), will (あるいはwould) be twice as largeなどです。

(解答例)①As you know, Asia, with more than half the world's 
population is the most densely populated area on earth. If the 
population continues growing, it will be doubled at the end of this 
②Asia is, as you know, the most densely populated continent on earth, with more than half the world's population. If it continues growing at 
the present rate, it will be twice as large at the end of this century.

(ポイント1)「バスが通っていない」=「バスサービスが利用できない」なので、No bus service is available~という型にします。
Though there was no telephone service available till a year ago in this 
village, almost every home here has a telephone installed (= the 
telephone is fitted in almost every house) today.(この村には一年前までは電話が無かったが、今ではほとんど各戸に電話が取り付けられている。)
(ポイント2)「これから先」はfrom here on, from this place onward。「山小屋」はa mountain cottage, shack (= log cabin)。「時間がたっぷりある」は(we) have plenty of time~。

(解答例)①Since no bus service is available from here on, we've got to walk on to the shack. We still have plenty of time, so I don't think it 
necessary to hurry.
②There's no bus service from this place onward, and we have to walk 
to the mountain cottage. As we have enough time, we don't have to 


(ポイント1)まず構文は、「もし~というのが本当なら、…というのも本当であろう」と考えて、if it is true that~, then it may be true that…とします。
(ポイント2)「人種のるつぼ」はthe melting pot of racesという成句を使います。Wall Streetはニューヨークの株式街で、金融の中心地です。日本なら兜町、ロンドンならLombard Streetに当たります。「あらゆる浮世の欲望」はearthly desires of all descriptionsなどです。「うごめいている」は「いっぱいつまっている」と考えます。少ししゃれて、「金の亡者ども
(slaves to Mammon)が跳梁している(be rampant)」としても面白いでしょう。

(解答例)①If it is true that New York City is 'the melting pot of races,' 
then it may be true that Wall Street in this mammoth city is a melting 
pot of all desires on earth. This street is indeed full of earthly desires of all descriptions.
②If there's a city that can truly be called "a melting pot of races," it is 
the City of New York; if there's a city street that can be called "a 
melting pot of all wills and desires," it is Wall Street. Here, on this 
street, slaves to Mammon are rampant.


(ポイント2)「八年ぶりで」はafter an 8 year interval (あるいは
separation)とするか、「八年間で初めて」として、for the first time in 
eight yearsとします。「成長していて…」はhas grown (to be)~。「~くらいの年頃である」=「~するのに十分の年に成長した」。「手助けする」は
help a person in (あるいはwith) his work。
He has grown old enough to go to school.(もう学校へ通う年になった。)
She is old enough for marriage.(結婚適齢期だ。)

(解答例)①I wet to the (railway) station to meet my nephew the other day. I was very glad to see him for the first time in eight years. He has grown to be a fine young man, old enough to help his father in 
②I went to meet my nephew at the station some days ago. How happy I was to see him after an eight year interval! He had grown to be a fine youth, now old enough to help his father with his work.



(解答例)①People no longer had to move from place to place in search of food.
②People were no longer required to wander in search of food.


(解答例)①Groups of individual citizens have gained considerable 
power over politicians.
②Groups of individual citizens have been able to exert over politicians.


(解答例)①Mt. Fuji is 3,776 meters above sea level.
②Mt. Fuji stands 3,776 meters above sea level.
このaboveは「(場所が)…より上に」の意です。above sea levelは「海抜」。


(解答例)①Mr. Brown is jealous of his colleague's success.
②Mr. Brown feels jealous about his colleague's success.
このofは「関連」を示します。be jealous of~は「…を妬んでいる」の意です。


(解答例)①He caught me by the hand.
②He grabbed me by the hand.
③He grabbed my hand.


(解答例)①The task seems to be above my ability.
②The task seems to be beyond my ability.


(解答例)①You can not separate people and language from their 
②People, their language and their culture are inseparable.


(解答例)①Such is often the case with me.
②That is often the case with me.
③That sort of thing often happens to me.


(解答例)①I leave the matter to your judgement.
②I'll leave it up to you.
③I'll let you decide.


(解答例)①He is reticent and he never speaks unless spoken to.
②He is non-communicative and only speaks when spoken to.
…speak to himを受動態にすると、he is spoken toですから、文尾のtoが理解できます。


(解答例)①She listened to me, with tears falling from her eyes.
②She listened to me, with tears running from her eyes.


(解答例)①He sat with his back against the wall.
②He sat with his back leaning against the wall.


(解答例)①How foolish it is of him to spend so much money on a 
trivial thing like that.
②He is silly to spend so much money on something as trivial as that.
③It is stupid of him to spend all that money on such a trivial thing.
It is foolish of him to spend so much money on a trivial thing like that.


(解答例)①What company do you suppose Bill's father works at?
②Which company do you suppose Bill's father works for?
①はWhat company does Bill's father work at?とdo you supposeとを組み合わせたものです。文尾のatについては、Bill's father works at…の疑問文と考えると、理解できます。なお、このatは比較的狭い「場所」を示します。


(解答例)①The movie on TV last night was in black and white.
②The movie on TV last night was black and white.
③The TV movie last night was black and white.
black and whiteと逆になることに注意が必要です。


(解答例)①He often attributes his failure to bad luck.
②He often blames his failure on bad luck.


Do you believe in marrying young?
(解説)believe inは「~の存在(効能)を信じる」の意味です。
Do you believe in ghosts (vegetarianism)?

The neighbors complained, but they still went on playing their stereo 
full blast far into the night.
(参考)The child kept on wiping his eyes with the back of his hand(手の甲).

He insisted on going alone.
(解説)goingの前にmyをつければ、that I should go aloneとなります。

I will make up for the lost time by working as hard as I can.

He is not worth worrying about.
(参考)In my opinion, the house isn't worth the price they're asking 
(for it).

You're very good (poor) at making excuses.
(参考)She's awfully good on the accordion.

Teachers ought not to be afraid of giving out failing marks if they are 
convinced the pupils deserve them.

I am sick (and tired) of hearing his complaints.
(参考)I think he got tired of waiting for you. He's an impatient man.

He came very near being run over by a motor-car.
(参考)The sun was near setting.

What do you say to (あるいはHow about) playing some tennis with us?
Why not come and have dinner with us?
How about a drink?

We are all looking forward so much to seeing you again.
(参考)I am quite unaccustomed to speaking in public.

For a moment I thought of staying away from school on some pretext 
or other, but I thought better of it and decided to go.
(参考)What are you thinking of?(口調によっては「何てことを考えているんだよ」となります。)

I don't feel like eating. I'm not hungry at all.
(参考)Laura has a cold and doesn't feel up to working today.