


(ポイント2)「よくコーヒーを飲む」=「コーヒーが大好きだ」=「コーヒーの大の愛好者」として、a great lover of coffee, a great coffee lover。「あんな苦いもの」はthat bitter stuff。「ごめんだ」=「嫌いだ」。「~無しには一日も…ない」はcannot pass a day without~。
How nice! This is good stuff.(<お酒など>うまい、いい酒だ。)

(解答例)①The Americans are great coffee lovers, but, except in 
Hawaii, not a bean of coffee is produced in the United States. When 
children, they prefer milk or cocoa, and say , "I don't like coffee ― that bitter stuff." Strangely enough, however, they find themselves so 
addicted to coffee when they are about to leave high school that they 
can hardly pass a day without that bitter stuff.
②Though Americans are great coffee lovers, not a bean of coffee is 
produced on the mainland; it is only grown in Hawaii. When very 
young, they had milk or cocoa, and said, "I don't like coffee, that bitter stuff." By the time they graduate from high school, however, they find 
themselves coffee addicts, unable to pass even a day without that bitter stuff.


1、I've heard the story of~(○)
2、I've heard a faithful dog~(×)
3、I've heard of the statue of~(○)
4、I've heard the statue of~(×)
 「果たして~を尽くしたのであろうか」はI wonder if~の型で、「結局は犬だ」はa dog is a (mere) dog.「本能のままに行動する」はact (あるいはbehave) on instinct, behave as instinct dictates。「接する」=「取り扱う」。「それだけの愛情」はas much affection。「返す」はreturn ~ (to)。

(解答例)①I've heard of the faithful dog Hachiko, whose statue stands right in front of Shibuya station. But was he really faithful to his master, I wonder? Since a dog is a dog and nothing more, he acts as instinct 
dictates. If his master treats him with affection, he will naturally return as much affection to his master.
②I’ve heard of the statue of a faithful dog called Hachiko, now standing right in front of Shibuya station. But I wonder whether or not he was 
really faithful to his master. Since a dog is a dog and nothing more, he behaves as his instinct dictates. If you handle your dog with affection, 
no doubt, he will return as much affection to you.


(ポイント1)前半は「~弱いため…である」に目をつけ、Because~,…とするか、もう1つは「日本人は~である。そのため、…損失を受けている」と考えて、That is why…で続けます。「外交、貿易…などあらゆる方面で…」は「彼らは多くの面で損失を受けている。例えば外交、貿易…」と考えます。後半では、「…ことは明らかである」を文頭に出して、It is evident that…の型にします。
(ポイント2)「元来」はby natureですが、「一般に」と考えた方が英文になります。「~に弱い」はhave a weakness for ~, be poor (あるいは
weak) at ~。「科学技術」はscience and technology。「大きな損失を受ける」はsuffer (あるいはsustain) a great loss。「素質や能力」が難しいでしょう。これをまとめて「発明の才」と考えてinventive geniusとするか、「創造力」と解してcreative powerとするかです。「国際競争力」は
international competition, in the arena of world's competition。「~に加えて」はin addition (to)~, along with~。「倍加する」=「二倍にする」として、double(他動詞)。
He has an innate genius for music.(彼は音楽の素質がある。)
He is something of a poet. = There's something poetic in him. = He has in him the makings of a poet.

(解答例)①The Japanese in general are weak at English, and because of this (あるいはon this account), they sustain a great loss in many 
fields ― in (the fields of) diplomacy, foreign trade, science and 
technology. It is evident, therefore, that if they had great command of English, in addition to their inventive genius, they would certainly be 
able to double their power in international competition.
②Generally speaking, the Japanese are poor at English. That is why 
they are suffering great loss in many walks of life, in diplomacy, trading business, science and technology. It may well be said, therefore, that if they had a good command of English, along with their genius and 
ability, they would be able to wield a lot more power in the arena of 
international competition.


(ポイント1)「電話は~だが、しかし、…でもある」に目をつけると、It is true~, but…の構文ができます。次に「こっちが~であろうが、…であろうが」は「我々(君)が何をしていようと、例えば食事中であろうと、…であろうと」と考えてみます。
(ポイント2)「文明の利器」はa modern convenience。「悩みの種」はa source of worry, a cause of trouble。「人権」はcivil rights, human 
rights。「~ほど無作法なものはない」=「~ほど押しつけがましいものはない」として、nothing is so forcible (as)~。「こちらが何をしていようと」はwhatever job you are engaged in。「風呂に入っている」はwhen you 
are in the bath.「トイレに行きたくてうずうずしていようが」はwhen you need to go to the lavatory, when you're going to ease nature.「人を呼びつける」はIt (the telephone) ringsとします。「番号違い」はa wrong 
a letter wrongly addressed(住所誤記の手紙)
go the wrong way(道を間違う)
take a wrong train(列車を間違う)

(解答例)①It is true that the telephone is a modern convenience, but 
it is also a nuisance. Nothing can be more forcible in this world, 
anyway. It rings whatever job you are engaged in ― when you are at 
table or in the bath, or even when you are going to ease nature. It 
often happens that when you pick up the receiver, you’ll find it is a 
wrong number. The telephone is indeed a cause of trouble.
②The telephone is a modern convenience, indeed, but nothing is so 
tyrannical (as this). It rings any time ― when you are at table or in the bath or when you need to go to the toilet. When you pick up the 
receiver, you often find it is a wrong number. The telephone is indeed a cause of annoyance.



(解答例)It is a well-known fact that workers work too hard.


(解答例)After several hours of walking in fields and forests, I finally 
couldn't walk any further.


(解答例)He gets scolded every time he brings his dog home.


(解答例)There is no doubt that his sons are good children.
I have no doubt his sons are good children.


(解答例)My mother told me that if I left my dog at home, she would 
take him shopping.


(解答例)I should have just done as I was told.
I should have just done as you said.


(解答例)I can understand the difficulties in that plan.


(解答例)We were totally surprised that he rejected our proposal.


(解答例)The fact that someone lives on the same street as me does 
not mean that he or she is my friend.


(解答例)You can enjoy record music while you wait.
You can enjoy record music while waiting.


(解答例)Once you start something, you have to work hard at it until it is completed.


(解答例)He studied hard. Otherwise, he would have failed that exam.


You had better leave before nine so as to be in plenty of time.

We hurried so as not to be late.

A house should be so built as to be cool in summer and warm in winter.
(参考)You should spend your leisure time in such a way as to improve your mind.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

I shall be glad to see you any day between eight and ten o'clock.

I was disappointed to find you out.

(参考)What an ass you are to miss such a splendid opportunity!
You are a very foolish young man to drink on an empty stomach.(空き腹で飲むとは)
You were a fool ever(そもそも)to have trusted him.
You must be very angry with me to talk like that.

He lived to be quite an old man, I believe.

We are apt to think ill of others.

He is a difficult man to please.
(参考)He is a difficult man to get along with.
He was not a man to be discouraged by a failure or two.(一度や二度の失敗でくじける男)

We are ashamed to let people see what we feel.
(解説)to exhibit our emotionでもよいです。
(参考)Aren't you ashamed of (yourself for) having done a thing like 

I felt so depressed that I could not bring myself to eat anything.(そんなに食べる気になれなかった。)
(参考)You're much too young to be married yet.

I am not so foolish (あるいはsuch a fool) as to do that.
(解説)I'm not such a fool as you take me for.(僕は君が思っているような馬鹿じゃない。)