


(ポイント1)構文的に難しいものはありません。「お茶にミルクと~を入れて…」は「もしあなたが~すると…」と、if構文でも、命令形+and you 
(ポイント2)「お茶は全て紅茶~」はblack tea, nothing but black teaとかis only black teaなど。「(いただく)という日本で見られるスタイル」=「我々が日本でやるように」=as we do in Japan。「しょうが汁」はginger juice。「香りのよい」はwith a sweet aroma; nice, fragrant (tea)。「お茶の時間」はtea time。「習慣」=「慣習」=(a) custom。「(どの店も)混んでいる」はbe crowding (for supper), be alive (with customers)。

(解答例)➀Tea in India is black tea, nothing but black tea. They drink 
tea with milk and sugar as we do in Japan. If you add milk to the tea, 
heat it for a while, and drop a little ginger juice into this, you will have a fragrant ginger tea. Every family has tea time late afternoon. This is a custom that probably came from England. They usually have dinner 
after 8:00 pm. When I go to the nearby restaurants, all of them are 
very crowded around 9:00 am.
②All tea in India is black tea. Tea is served with cream and sugar, a 
style seen in Japan. Add milk to the tea, heat it for a while, and drop a 
little ginger juice into it to make a fragrant ginger tea. Every family has a late afternoon tea time. This is probably a custom that came from 
England. Dinner is usually served after 8:00 pm. When I went to 
nearby restaurants, all of them were very crowded around 9:00 a.m.

2、大英博物館(the British Museum)のコーヒーショップに、三十そこそこの婦人に連れられて、既に歩き方もおぼつかない一老人が入ってきた。ヨーロッパのセルフ・サービス店に男女の連れが入った時は、食事や飲み物を運搬するのは一般に男の役目である。コーヒーをこぼすまいとおぼんをささげて、そろそろと運んできたのは、やはり父親らしい老人の方だった。

(ポイント1)「大英博物館」といってもいくつも建物があります。そこで「その一つの建物のどこかで」と考えてみます。「婦人に連れられて」は「婦人をお伴にして」と考えた方がよいでしょう。「一般の男の役目」に目をつけると、It is a man's job to …の型になります。
(ポイント2)「三十そこそこの婦人」はa woman of thirty or so, about 
30 years old.「歩き方もおぼつかない」はunsteady, tottering、「セルフ・サービス店」はself-serviceと直訳しても意味は通じますが、a buffet 
restaurant (あるいはbar)などがあります。「コーヒーをこぼすまいとして~のは、やはり父親」は「~のは若い同伴者ではなく、その老人だった」と考えると、It was the old man, not his young companion, that~の型になります。ちなみに英語のbarは「酒場」ではなく、「カウンターのある店」の意です。
milk (あるいはcoffee) bar, a snack bar, a saloon bar(酒場)

(解答例)➀In a coffee shop in one of the buildings of the British 
Museum, an old man, who was already unsteady, came in accompanied by a woman of about 30 years old. When a man and a woman enter a European self-service restaurant together, it is generally the man's job 
to carry their food and drinks. It was the old man who seemed to be
the father, not his young companion, that brought the coffee to the 
table slowly.
②An elderly man, who was already walking slowly, entered the coffee 
shop of the British Museum accompanied by a lady of about 30 or so. When a man and a woman accompanying them enter a European 
self-service restaurant, it is generally the man's responsibility to carry 
their food and drinks. The man who brought the coffee to the table was an old man who seemed to be the father of the coffee drinker.


(M. = monsieur)でもよいです。「醜悪だ」=「その眺めが醜い」。「花の都パリ」はthe fashionable city of Paris, the City of Flowers, the world (あるいはthe world's) center of fashionsなど。

(解答例)➀The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 to commemorate the 
Universal Exposition held in Paris. The tower, at the top of which the 
French flag is flying, was called the Eiffel Tower after its designer. 
M. Eiffel boasted, “Only the French flag has a 300-meter flagpole”. 
When it was built, it was often criticized as “ugly and aesthetically 
displeasing,” but today it has become a symbol of Paris, the City of 
②The Eiffel Tower was completed in Paris in 1889, the year of the 
Universal Exposition. Called the Eiffel Tower after its designer, the 
French flag flies at the top of the tower. M. Eiffel boasted that the 
French flag is the only one with a 300-meter flagpole. However, 
although it was often criticized as “ugly and aesthetically displeasing” 
when it was built, it has now become a symbol of Paris, the City of 


(ポイント1)「行楽地」にはspring (あるいはsummer, fall) resorts, 
holiday (あるいはvacation) resortsなどがあります。「親子連れの客が多い」は「親子の小グループ」と考えて、lots of small groups of parents and (their ) childrenとかlots of family groupsでもよいです。
(ポイント2)「駅のホーム」にはon a station (あるいはrailway) platform, on the platform of a railway stationとします。「水筒」はa canteen, a water bottle。「お弁当」はa lunch box。「のどかな光景」=「平和な光景」。「一変して~に変わるのは…瞬間である」はThe very moment~, (あるいはIt is just when~that) the scene turns into a frightful (あるいはan 
infernal, a chaotic) oneの型です。「~に向かって殺到する」はreturn on to~。「(他人を)押しのける」はpush (=elbow) others aside。「しゃにむに」=「無理矢理」=forcibly。ここはhustle and jostle each otherとか
fight one's way into the crowdなども使えます。
They were hustling and jostling with each other for the front seats.(皆は前の席を取ろうともみ合っていた。)

(解答例)➀Now is a great time for a holiday. All of the holiday resorts are packed to capacity. There are lots of small groups of parents and 
(their ) children on the platform of a railway station. It is a peaceful 
scene that each is hanging out a water bottle and lunch box. But it is 
just when the train arrives that the scene turns into a frightful one. 
Both adults and children return on to seats. They push others aside try to get their own seats forcibly.
②Now is a great time for excursions. All of the tourist destinations are packed to overflowing.The station platform is full of customers with 
their parents and children. Each with a water bottle and lunch box 
hanging out, it was a peaceful scene. This changes drastically the 
moment the train arrives. Adults and children alike rush toward their 
seats at once. They push others out of the way and try to get their own seats.



(解答例)Her calm manner made her look older than she actually was.


(解答例)Reading newspapers gives us a good idea of world affairs.


(解答例)This road will take you to the station.


(解答例)Why do you think he broke his promise?


(解答例)I wonder why he changed his mind.


(解答例)What I admire most about her is her innocence.


(解答例)Just thinking about it makes me happy.


(解答例)Why couldn't you come on time?


(解答例)The rain prevented me from going out.


(解答例)He left for the U.S. and has not been heard from since.


(解答例)I could not attend that meeting because my mother was ill.


(解答例)A few minutes' walk brought us to the theater.


(解答例)What made you think that way?


(解答例)Your home needs painting.


(解答例)Thanks to technological innovations, it has recently become 
possible to produce cheaper watches.


(解答例)He was blinded by age.


(解答例)With more leisure time, they will enjoy more outdoor 


(解答例)With the introduction of the computer system, the company needed to reorganize.


(解答例)There are many beginners in that class.


What on earth are we (ought we) to do?

You'll have to take a taxi if you are to be on time.

Who is to blame for this?

Flatterers are not to be trusted.

I was due (scheduled) to leave the next morning for Paris.

I was about to buy a ticket, when I missed my purse.

There was nothing for it but to hope for the best.
(解説)the bestはthe best resultの意です。反対はthe worstです。
I am prepared for the worst.(万一の覚悟はできている。)

I could not but laugh (help laughing) at his funny appearance.

It must be an awful blow to a man in his position to have his wife run 
(参考)get somebody to do somethingのgetはinduce, prevail uponの含意です。
It would be impossible to get them to listen to reason.

Nothing will make him change his mind.

Did you do it of your own free will or were you made to do it against 
your will?
(参考)know somebody do somethingの受身形にも注意が必要です。
We never knew him do a mean thing.→He was never known to do a 
mean thing.(彼がけちな真似をしたためしを知らなかった。)
As far as we knew, he never did a generous deed.

Oh, it's you, John. I didn't hear you come in.
(参考)He did not hear me even when I entered the room.
I never heard them quarrel in all the years I lived with them.
Didn't you hear them quarreling last night?
I really do hate to see women drink at all.
I was shocked to see her drinking like this.
I had only seen him angry once or twice in all the three years I had 
worked with him.(状態)

Just then someone was heard to call out for help in the distance.
